Do you know what socio-cultural hybrid spaces are?
In recent years, different spaces and ways have been created in Milan to produce generative welfare, create culture and participate in the renewal of a material and intangible cultural heritage of the cities in continuous transformation. An informal network of Milanese cultural realities, of socio-cultural hybrid spaces, felt the need to meet (virtually and physically) and confront each other, both to map and learn about the plurality of self-organized services, part of a collaborative welfare of a nearby city, both to bring out the critical issues in the management of spaces that often clash in everyday life with obsolete and rigid regulations that do not accompany change. In April 2021, the “Hybrid spaces of Milan. 1 Manifesto, 1 questionnaire, 1 map for the city 15 minutes away " (see link in bio). Listening to the Mayor led to the establishment of a technical table and an inter-managerial political table, which involved the Department of Culture, Urban Planning, Trade and Labor Policies, Welfare and Participation. The first in September 2022 National resolution (N. 1231 of L 24/09/2021) thanks to the Municipality of Milan which recognizes hybrid spaces and defines the "Guidelines for the experimental establishment of a qualified list of socio-cultural innovation sites in the city of Milan called" Network of Hybrid Spaces ". The first qualified list of hybrid city spaces, a map of those who make socio-cultural innovation in Milan. Here the announcement "Qualified list of the Network of Hybrid Spaces of the city of Milan" open on February 4th 2022, let's participate!

This is the research-survey, the questionnaire and mapping that 26 hybrid socio-cultural spaces compiled in April 2021:
This is the mapping of the informal network of socio-cultural Hybrid Spaces, drawn up in April 2021. See also the online map . But we are many more, let's join the register of the Municipality of Milan.

*The informal network SOCIOCULTURAL HYBRID SPACES Milan was started in 2021 by: BASE Milano, Canottieri San Cristoforo mare culturale urbano Food hub, Casa degli artisti, Cascina Cuccagna, Cascina Martesana, Cascina Merlata-mare culturale urbano Food hub, Cascinet, ciclof cina Pontegiallo, circolo Arci Bellezza, circolo Arci Biko, East River, Giardino Comunitario Lea Garofalo, il Cinemino, il Cortile delle Associazioni Niguarda, Lab barona- Repair cafè, la Scighera, mare culturale urbano, Nuovo Armenia, Olinda, Redo Santa Giulia-mare culturale urbano Food hub, Rob de Matt, SoulFood Forestfarms, Stecca3, Spirit de Milan, Terzo Paesaggio, ZONA K.